350 g of white flour
100 g of semolina flour
9 yolks
50 g of truffle
Olio Extravergine d’Oliva DOP Terre di Siena
Salt to taste

Knead the flours with the eggs and 1 tablespoon of Olio Extravergine d’Oliva DOP Terre di Siena for about 15 minutes, or until obtaining a smooth and homogeneous dough. Form a ball, wrap it in cling film, and let it rest in a cool place for about 1 hour.
Roll out the dough until obtaining a very thin layer. Cut out as many rectangles as possibles (they have to be about 12×18 cm) and let them dry for 10-15 minutes on a worktop covered in flour, in order not to let them stick.
Lightly flour 2 or 3 rectangles of dough, put them on top of each other, roll them up from the short side, and cut them into tiny slices of 2-3 mm. Unroll them and sprinkle lightly with semolina flour. Continue the process until you run out of dough.
Cook the tajarin in boiling salted water for 1-2 minutes. In the meantime, heat the Olio Extravergine d’Oliva in a large pan. Drain the tajarin and sauté in the pan, take them out of the fire, and sprinkle the thinly sliced truffle on top. Serve immediately.